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WINGS Group In-Person

WINGS – Widowed;  Inspiring Growth & Strength is a group of   that provides a social atmosphere for those widowed individuals who have made the decision to try to move forward after losing a spouse.  Our mission is to provide a safe haven where those widowed to learn the skills to manage and move forward with their lives.  The group instills the power of positive reinforcement for being true to oneself and offers an opportunity to enjoy friendships and begin living again.  The environment supports and encourages each individual’s unique path through healing from his/her loss.  In addition to group meetings, other social events are organized for those who care to attend.  There is no professional facilitator, counselor or pressure and everyone moves forward at their own pace.  WINGS is a place where those widowed can soar into a new life they never dreamed was possible.  Come fly with us. 

If you are a new member, please contact Bernadette Maturo prior to your first meeting. Her email address is bmaturo217@gmail.com

Thursday, November 21, 2024
6:30pm - 8:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Community Room

Event Organizer

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Middletown Township Public Library

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